Jack Dunn

Computer Science Student @ Lancaster

Hello! I am a Software Engineer in the United Kingdom.

I've been programming since I was 12 years old. Now, as a student at Lancaster University, I'm enjoying delving into detail about professional programming, and exciting theory topics.

I'm most comfortable in my web development, both frontend (HTML, Javascript, Vue, Svelte) and backend (PHP, Python, Node.js), but I enjoy a good challenge - I'm starting to look at app development, and I'm exploring low-level languages like C and MIPS Assembly.

I'm also well-versed in infrastructure, with experience in utilising CDNs to make your site faster than ever, and in both static and dynamic content hosting.

If you have a project you want developing, let's make it happen - send me an email and let's make your idea soar!

If you're a recruiter, you can also drop me an email and I'll happily discuss things with you!

Thanks for dropping by! -Jack